Most In-Demand Jobs Caused by AI Revolution – Interviews Series

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We conducted a series of interviews with CEOs from various regions across the globe to gain valuable insights into the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market. By engaging with these leaders, we aimed to provide a comprehensive perspective on how AI is transforming industries and shaping the demand for specific job roles. Through their diverse experiences and expertise, these CEOs shed light on the evolving job landscape and the skills needed to thrive in the AI-driven economy. Our goal was to compile this wealth of information into a single, informative article, offering readers a clear understanding of the most in-demand jobs arising from the AI revolution and the strategies professionals can employ to stay relevant in this rapidly changing job market. We’re going to list summaries out of these interviews to get an idea of AI Revolution effects on jobs market

AI revolution is reshaping industries across the board


Summary from interview with Oleg Segal, CEO & Founder at

The AI revolution is reshaping industries across the board, driving a surging demand for professionals skilled in big data, particularly in sectors like ecommerce, healthcare, finance, and retail. Job titles such as Machine Learning Engineers, AI Specialists, and Data Scientists are in high demand. To thrive in these roles, job seekers should focus on honing skills in Python, machine learning, natural language processing, and data analysis.

Importantly, traditional job roles are evolving rather than vanishing, now requiring a fundamental understanding of AI and data analysis. Even marketing professionals are expected to embrace AI knowledge. North America and Asia, especially China, are experiencing significant growth in AI-focused jobs.

This transformation offers promising career prospects, with roles like AI Strategist and Chief AI Officer emerging due to AI’s increasing integration into business operations. To stay competitive, businesses are investing in training programs and collaborating with AI institutes to cultivate an AI-ready workforce.

AI Impact on Online Publishing and IT


Maurizio Petrone Founder & CEO of

The AI revolution has significantly impacted the job market, particularly in online publishing and IT. Roles such as Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, and AI Ethicists are in high demand. Traditional job roles are evolving, with marketing professionals now expected to use AI tools for customer segmentation and targeted advertising. Organizations are investing in in-house AI expertise, emphasizing skills in Python, R, and platforms like TensorFlow. Geographically, Silicon Valley, Bangalore, and Beijing lead in AI job demand, offering rewarding career paths in roles that didn’t exist a decade ago. To stay competitive, organizations should prioritize continuous learning and foster a culture of technology and innovation.

Importance of Staying Updated and Acquiring Relevant Skills

Kiran Mehra

Kiran Mehra, co-founder and president of Goldspot Pens

The impact of the AI revolution on the job market is undeniable, as witnessed by Kiran Mehra, co-founder and president of Goldspot Pens, a prominent destination for pen enthusiasts. Here are the key takeaways from his insights:

  1. By 2025, the AI revolution is expected to create approximately 12 million jobs while displacing around 75 million jobs, according to the World Economic Forum. This highlights both the disruption and opportunities brought about by AI.
  2. Various industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, and technology, are experiencing a surge in demand for AI-related roles. For example, AI is transforming healthcare through medical imaging analysis and personalized medicine, driving the need for AI specialists and data scientists.
  3. Several job titles are in high demand due to AI technology, including AI engineer, machine learning engineer, data scientist, AI researcher, and natural language processing specialist. These roles require expertise in AI algorithms and programming languages.
  4. Job seekers aspiring for AI-related positions should focus on developing specific skills such as programming languages like Python or R, machine learning algorithms, data analysis, and statistical modeling. Pursuing certifications or higher education in AI-related fields can enhance job prospects.
  5. AI has influenced traditional job roles, automating some tasks while enhancing others. For instance, customer service representatives now use AI-powered chatbots for routine inquiries, emphasizing the importance of adapting to new technologies.
  6. Geographically, the United States, China, India, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom stand out as regions with high demand for AI talent due to their investments in AI research and development.
  7. The field of AI offers significant career growth opportunities, allowing professionals to work on cutting-edge projects and providing career mobility across industries.
  8. Businesses are adapting to the need for AI expertise by investing in AI research, establishing dedicated AI teams, collaborating with AI experts and startups, and providing training programs for their workforce. This demonstrates the recognition of AI’s potential in shaping future business strategies.


The AI revolution has led to a significant shift in the job market, creating demand for several key roles:

  1. AI Engineer: AI engineers design and develop AI systems and algorithms, making them a fundamental part of the AI revolution.
  2. Machine Learning Engineer: These professionals specialize in building machine learning models and systems, crucial for AI applications.
  3. Data Scientist: Data scientists analyze and interpret data to derive insights and help organizations make data-driven decisions.
  4. AI Ethicist: With the ethical implications of AI, AI ethicists ensure responsible and ethical AI development and deployment.
  5. AI Researcher: AI researchers drive innovation, exploring new AI technologies and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
  6. Natural Language Processing Specialist: As AI interfaces with human language, specialists in NLP are in high demand for tasks like chatbots and language translation.
  7. Healthcare AI Specialist: The healthcare sector increasingly relies on AI for tasks like medical image analysis and drug discovery, creating a demand for specialists in this field.
  8. Finance AI Specialist: In finance, AI is used for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment, leading to a need for AI experts.
  9. AI Strategist: AI strategists help organizations develop and implement AI strategies to stay competitive in the market.
  10. AI Trainer: Training AI models requires expertise, and AI trainers are essential for fine-tuning AI systems.
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